I had been contemplating starting a YouTube channel for probably 5 years.
Actually it’s probably longer than that if we count the times hanging out
with friends and joking about starting channels together and following a whim.
with friends and joking about starting channels together and following a whim.
Tried this, tried that...nothing serious. No dedication.
I’d get distracted and find another project or sign up for some other course
online for creating an online business.
I’d get distracted and find another project or sign up for some other course
online for creating an online business.
Eventually the YouTube algorithms knew what to feed me and I’d end up
watching lots of videos of other doing things.
watching lots of videos of other doing things.
But then COVID hit the world and I knew something had to change.
Since I work directly with people in my job, I knew that it couldn’t function
during the lock-down and I’d have time.
Since I work directly with people in my job, I knew that it couldn’t function
during the lock-down and I’d have time.
As fate would have it, that’s exactly when I found Matt Par and what he
has to offer. I signed up for his free training.
has to offer. I signed up for his free training.
But I knew there were ways of creating YouTube channels WITHOUT
ever showing your face.
ever showing your face.
In the free training, at first, what he talked about I knew.
Was this going to be a waste of time?
Was this going to be a waste of time?
But as his training progressed thru the hour, I realized that there were a host of
new angles and approaches for building YouTube that I had never heard of.
Plus free tools I didn’t know existed or how to use.
new angles and approaches for building YouTube that I had never heard of.
Plus free tools I didn’t know existed or how to use.
And I was someone who would watch (at that time) probably 3-5 videos
daily on building YouTube channels.
daily on building YouTube channels.
I quickly saw that there’s a bunch to this that the other guys are sharing.
I was grateful to attend the training.
This revelation coupled with the fact that I knew my new free time was not a given
was enough for me to take the plunge and sign up for his complete training course.
Carpe Diem
I immediately devoured it and watched all of his training modules.
Right away I was impressed with all the detail he gives each step of training.
But it’s more than that, they are not just complete, he explains it in simple terms
that allow you to follow and understand why each step is there.
What’s YouTube is thinking, why would you do this and that, how can you do this
for free and what should you be aware of?
His training modules cover all of this.
It gives you the freedom to find your own niche and video format, yet,
somehow he covers all of that and he provides the outlines and tools needed
as well for exploring and developing a YouTube channel as a business.
I’ve got to say it’s really impressive. I’ve joined other courses online before and
have felt like they were holding back or that the course was incomplete.
I don’t feel that with Par’s course.
Now my goal is to get the channel as far along as I can manage and
then to take to the automation stage where others are doing the leg work
for me and I’m just coming up with the ideas.
Par shows how to do this.
This is what he does and why he can run 9 YouTube channels and only
put in about 3 hours per day to sustain them.
He shows you free online tools you can build with, and then resource sites
where he finds writers and editors or whatever he needs.
He even goes over how much to offer to pay each one.
So, yes, I’m happy with the course.
Start here:
One thing I haven’t mentioned is that along with taking the course come entry to
his private Facebook mastermind group: Tube Mastery and Monetization.
The daily support found in the group is maybe the most important part to
the group. Because you’re going to have questions. That’s to be expected.
the group. Because you’re going to have questions. That’s to be expected.
This group is full of experts and newbies as well as Matt Par himself and
it’s an unending source of support to answer questions and get new ideas.
They share their experiences like one student who makes multiple YouTube
channels constantly and just shared how important finding the right niche can be.
She’s laser focused, has been doing this for a while and well, and already has
over 80,000 views on one of her new channels within a month.
Performance like this is not typical, but this is the level of people that you have
Performance like this is not typical, but this is the level of people that you have
daily access to for help and support. Picking her brain for ideas is priceless.
Additionally, the course is evolving. He’s always adding to it.
Once you’re in the course, you have access for life.
I’d highly recommend going to his free1-hour training first.
Get a feel for what he’s about. Learn some YouTube secrets in the process.
Then, if you want more go from there and make an intelligent
decision for yourself.
decision for yourself.
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